Video marketing

August 27, 2024

5 tips to create stellar AI-generated videos for customers in 2024

Ever wondered how AI can help create videos for your customers? AI has revolutionized almost all industries, and video generation is no exception. It allows your business to leverage AI tools to generate videos for your customers at scale.

You can tailor your videos to the specific needs of your customers and serve various purposes of your business.

According to a 2024 report by Wyzowl, 91% of businesses have used video as a marketing tool. Moreover, 75% of marketers said they have used AI-generated videos for marketing. That’s not all, marketers have used AI to create video testimonials, explainer videos, presentation videos, product demos, and many more.

Videos are not just about recording the information you have, but it’s also about providing the information that your customers need. That said, let’s understand how AI can help with video generation:

How AI can help in video generation

Artificial Intelligence or AI has advanced to a stage where it can not only generate answers to random prompts but also create and edit videos. With tools like Unscript, you can even scale your video production process for your brand.

Such AI-powered tools can help you generate studio-quality, highly engaging, and professional videos. What’s more, these tools allow you to incorporate your brand style, tone, and messaging into their AI-generated videos.

AI technology has evolved over the years. It can now generate highly realistic AI avatars that you can use for marketing, customer service, creating virtual influencers, video dubbing, and more.

Once your AI avatar is ready, you can generate videos from text or audio script inputs. For example, Unscript allows you to create your AI clone and input your script to create corresponding video footage that speaks and behaves just like a human.

Moreover, you can create personalized video campaigns within Unscript and tailor them to the unique needs of your target audience. Unscript’s AI algorithms are trained on the large data volume that helps it replicate human behavior, speaking patterns, and mannerisms for business video creation.

Video generation process using AI

Earlier, video generation through AI used to be long and complex. It involved data analysis, machine learning, and content creation that required collecting and processing a vast amount of data.

Tools like Unscript have simplified this process by giving you the flexibility to record videos to train AI. You can upload or record a 10-minute-long video or create 10 videos of at least one minute to train our AI model how to behave, speak, and act like you. Once your AI avatar is ready, you only need to feed text or audio scripts to create videos.

AI video generation offers several benefits for your business. It makes the whole process faster and more cost-efficient. There are no headaches for on-site filming, costly recording equipment, and reshoots for small mistakes.

5 tips to create stellar AI-generated videos for your customers

Creating quality videos with AI involves a blend of good planning, effective tools, and a clear understanding of your audience. Here are some tips that will help you generate stellar AI videos:

1. Define your target audience, goals, and objectives

Start with defining your target audience first. Research the demographics and gather insights such as their age, gender, interests, and online behavior. Additionally, develop detailed personas that include their goals, challenges, and preferences to guide your video creation process.

This research about your target customers will help you determine the purpose of your videos. Whether you want to drive more sales, increase brand awareness, or educate your customers, each goal dictates a different video strategy and style.

2. Select your text-to-video AI tool

While you can explore other tools in the market, Unscript is, by far, the most reliable text-to-video generation tool. It adorns you with high video quality, customizations, ease of use, AI avatar creation, etc.

You can leverage the built-in model avatar or create your own and customize videos with our Video Pro Editor mode. Additionally, you can tailor your videos to the specific needs of your customers.

3. Write a strong script

A strong, engaging script starts with a compelling hook that successfully captures the attention of your customers. It could be a surprising fact, a question, or a visual element that grabs their attention in the first few seconds.

Your script content should clearly communicate the value or benefits that your customers are likely to gain from watching the videos. Write your script in a natural, conversational tone with smooth transitions between topics to make it relatable and engaging. Lastly, include a call-to-action (CTA) at the end that directs viewers to take a specific action.

4. Add personalization

AI tools like Unscript help you create personalized video campaigns based on your customers’ data. For example, you can add variables such as their name, company details, location, and other information to help AI create tailored videos.

The dynamic implementation of personalized names and other details is surely going to make your video campaigns stand out. You can create personalized videos for different sets of customers with different demographics and preferences to make them relatable and generate high ROI.

5. Focus on visual and audio quality

The visual and audio quality of your videos is affected by the quality of the training videos you upload when creating AI avatars. For better quality, we recommend the following best practices:

  • Make sure the videos you upload are 1920x1080 in resolution
  • Record videos in a quiet environment with zero background noise
  • Skip the shiny objects or accessories during the video recording
  • There should be proper lighting in the room. No shadows on the face or background
  • Your lips should clearly be visible all the time and make sure your hair doesn’t obstruct your face
  • Avoid using glasses, hoodies, and green, white, or stripped clothing while recording videos
  • Maintain the consistency of your appearance and facial expressions in the videos

Final Words

Creating exceptional AI-generated videos for customers requires a thoughtful approach. By using advanced AI technology and following the above tips, businesses have endless possibilities to be creative with their videos.

Using Unscript’s advanced AI text-to-video creation tool, you can position your business to be at the forefront. Request a demo or try us for free to see how Unscript helps you save time, money, and resources than traditional ways of video production.

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